Thursday, October 23, 2008

I've been busy...

what with college, work and baby, so haven't had much time to post. Right now however, I am waiting for the stinking piece of software that is Picasa 3 Beta (ffs) to transfer files from my camera to my Ubuntu desktop. Why does Picasa suck so badly at something that is part of its core functionality - and on an OS that generally out-performs the hell out of Windoze?

Speaking of - I love Ubuntu to bits. I especially love Amarok, the superb music player/'s actually worthy of a post of it's own, so I'll hold off.

Another amazingly fun feature of Ubuntu was the ease with which I could set up a file share between the desktop and Sinead's notebook (also running Hardy). In fact, I'll go a step further: I was able to attach an NTFS external drive to my desktop, and stream music to the notebook over the wireless network using Samba, and it took all of 3 minutes late on a Friday night to install and configure. Sweet, sweet, sweet...

Get it. There are no more excuses...

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